Your Chatbot no longer needs to be trained, it's automatic!

Data is at the heart of our ecosystem, and its quality and quantity are key to unlocking tolk. ai's full potential - but it's a time-consuming task. According to a study by Cloud Factory, data creation and labeling account for up to 80% of a Machine Learning project.

We worked hard to solve the challenge of acquiring labelled data for our natural language understanding models.

Today we bring you the state-of-the-art in 1-click text generation for your ecosystem: GPT Data Augmentation.

The challenge of learning models

As you know, data quantity, data quality and data set design are the three key levers for improving the performance of our models and the experience of our end-users.

The problem is that data acquisition and labeling can be time-consuming and costly, especially when you're still in the start-up phase.

This cost is repeated throughout the life of your chatbot, when you add new Q&A to a mature dataset: you can create a distribution gap that can negatively affect your assistant's performance on less mature questions.

Introducing GPT Data Augmentation for

That's where GPT Data Augmentation comes in.

We've used the latest OpenAI model, behind ChatGPT, to create synthetic training phrases that will help you accelerate your chatbot's launch and achieve outstanding performance right from your assistant's creation.

What's more, when you add new Q&A, GPT Data Augmentation enables you to catch up quickly on more mature questions and deliver a quality experience to your users right from the start.

Import and Play

Using GPT Data Augmentation is simple. Just import your questions and answers into the bot interface with a single click, then click on "Update". will generate synthetic training phrases that will enable you to rapidly improve the performance of your models. You'll be able to consult them directly from the training of your assistant's least-trained Q&A questions.

GPT Data Augmentation for Bot is now available to all our users in free beta.

I'm sure you'll love this new feature, and I look forward to hearing about your results. Please let us know what you think, and contact us if you have any questions or suggestions!

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